Changeland Soundtrack 12" Vinyl

Regular price $39.99

Original Score by Patrick Stump.  

Side 1: 

  1. Cartoon Music For Superheroes - Albert Hamming Jr.
  2. VCR - The XX
  3. Paper Aeroplane - Angus and Julia Stone
  4. Pain in my Heart - Otis Redding 
  5. Great DJ - The Ting Tings
  6. Do Ther Tum - Job 2 Do
  7. Time to Pretend - MGMT
  8. 400 Lux - Lorde
  9. Reign of Love - Coldplay
  10. Learnalilgivinanlovin - Gotye
  11. 112th DImension - Julian Casablancas

Side 2:

  1. Yay Thailand!
  2. Welcome To Phuket
  3. Two Rooms
  4. Fiji He Shrugged
  5. Not For Free
  6. For Keeps
  7. Dan and Dory
  8. Phang
  9. How Would I Fight For This?
  10. What Our Parents Did
  11. The Temple
  12. You Don't Want To Jump
  13. A Good Sign
  14. Maybe You Gotta Get In It
  15. Very Special Bottle
  16. Actually It Is That Simple Pianos
  17. Night Market
  18. Good Right Now
  19. Sadzo
  20. Why Not You?
  21. Dead Parents Club
  22. You Fight Me
